It was broad black and depth
Was in the edges that shone in the darkness,
That dark found only in silent woods
Near fathomless pools when moon and owl are hunting.
Sounds from some other time
Resound in moss covered noise
And crickle-crack in time with the breaking sound
Of stones from a cave
Where old bones like a cathedral’s, are no longer revered.
And the holly grew round the rough hewn elm
In the glade where the winter came
And the stars were named as the sickle cut
With the worlds dense in the trees,
Each named three times in ancient rhyme
Called out lucidly and glittering.
I see the star we named after you, there
More distinct than those that shine brightest
For those that will never now, understand.
So when I tread this path, foot
After foot, hold there invisible if you must
Just like distance, and time.